<Toast> Component

Code Editor
<div style={{ display: 'grid', gridTemplateColumns: 'repeat(3, 1fr)', gap: 32}}>
<button onClick={() => toast({
description: 'Body small bold - 2 lines with character limit of 90. Scele risque sit at aliquam lacus est…',
cta: {
title: 'Standalone link',
url: '/'
})}>Generate toast</button>
<button onClick={() => toastWithLanguage({
language: "de",
description: 'Body small bold - 2 lines with character limit of 90. Scele risque sit at aliquam lacus est…',
cta: {
title: 'Standalone link',
url: '/'
})}>Generate toast with language</button>
<button onClick={() => toastWithProduct({
product: 'waypoint',
description: 'Body small bold - 2 lines with character limit of 90. Scele risque sit at aliquam lacus est…',
cta: {
title: 'Standalone link',
url: '/'
})}>Generate toast with product</button>
<button onClick={() => toastWithResource({
type: 'webinar',
description: 'Body small bold - 2 lines with character limit of 90. Scele risque sit at aliquam lacus est…',
cta: {
title: 'Standalone link',
url: '/'
})}>Generate toast with resource</button>
<button onClick={() => toastWithThumbnail({
thumbnail: {
src: 'https://www.datocms-assets.com/2885/1651495958-infrastructure.png',
alt: 'Notfication thumbnail'
description: 'Body small bold - 2 lines with character limit of 90. Scele risque sit at aliquam lacus est…',
cta: {
title: 'Standalone link',
url: '/'
})}>Generate toast with thumbnail</button>
<button onClick={() => toast({
appearance: 'dark',
description: 'Body small bold - 2 lines with character limit of 90. Scele risque sit at aliquam lacus est…',
cta: {
title: 'Standalone link',
url: '/'
})}>Generate toast in dark mode</button>
<Toaster />
Function to call to generate a toast notification.